
Summer in the Wye Valley

I am preparing paintings to be displayed in the Tintern Old Station, week commencing 10th August. Many of the people who visit the Wye Valley come by motorcycle or bicycle, so I will be including these two recent pastels: The foxgloves in my garden gave me inspiration for these pastels:               I also painted […]
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New Venues

Since my previous blog I painted another two scenes from Wyndcliffe Court Gardens:                                   I then had an appointment with the curator/artist at Wyndcliffe (pronounced Wye, not Wind, as the name is taken from “Wye and cliff”, as the house is situated near a […]
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Here is some recent work: The cyclamens have been in flower since before Christmas, and are still looking good.             I saw these hollyhocks in a local town last year. It’s rather fun to paint food – this smoked fish platter is delicious, and served in a Smokery by the river Severn, not far from where […]
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January 2015

It has been a long time since I wrote to this blog, mostly because I haven’t been painting. However, I have decided to write a non-painting blog so that my followers, who do not use Facebook, will know what I have been up to. In November we had a holiday in South Africa. We had a great time, and I include […]
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My husband has very kindly framed them for me, and now all the paintings for the show are ready for hanging. I did have a problem though, and one had to be re-done. Since Wallis paper is not available in the UK, I bought a large amount before leaving the US and shipped it over. Unfortunately, I seem to have […]
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Paintings for Show Completed

There were only two left to do, but they took a surprising amount of work! The Reclining Sheep with Piglets took a while because of all those little bodies. I finished it, photographed it, and then realised that I had not done their tails – one of the most important parts. The Old Tractor required all of my drawing skills […]
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Enjoying the Challenge

The 12 Days of Christmas paintings I was asked to do (see previous blog) have not been easy, but I have certainly enjoyed the challenge. For 8 Maids-a-Milking I was asked to do Milk Maid Milk Stout bottles – a beer that was popular in the 1950s and 60s. The gallery owner said she likes the way I do bottles, […]
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Working hard again!

After months of not producing many paintings, but entertaining visitors and working on getting the house as we want it, I am now spending many hours in my studio. After contacting a local gallery I was invited to show my work alongside the artist/owner in a Christmas show. I did these two paintings before contacting the gallery. One shows a […]
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June Sunshine

It’s been a long time since my last blog – I’ve been busy, but not managed much painting. Here are three local scenes and one floral: Gateway to Monmouth Brockweir in the Sunshine Raglan Castle Purple Tulips However, I have taken a great many photos to use for reference material. In April we had a two week holiday in Majorca […]
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Settling in

Floral Ballet We’ve had some nice spells of sunny weather recently, and even some warmth. The birds are nesting and the trees are flowering – this is a very pretty place in the spring. Looking down on the village. Sitting outside the pub. A couple of weeks ago we had a new kitchen installed, and now we are hoping to […]
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